
It's far too easy to blame kids for acting out, when they've grown up in a pressure cooker of toxicity and despair. The younger generations are being brought up by older generations who were also raised under terrible conditions, so it's not trivial to point the finger at any one group, when we should be looking at our societies as a whole.

Between extreme political corruption and negligence, the pharmaceutical epidemic (in addition to everything else, ADHD drugs are known to increase violent ideation and a propensity to act on that ideation), failing education systems that don't care for the human being, and the ever-increasing difficulty for every individual who isn't a millionaire, it continuously astounds me that the conversation always ends up in a back-and-forth-to-nowhere argument about guns and individuals who are just "bad eggs".

Banning guns is a (probably necessary) stop-gap measure, but until the plethora of awful things that Americans (and most of the west) are suffering from are addressed, I can't see things changing much.

I warmly recommend BatmanDobbins' incredible video "Why Everyone Is Quitting Their Job To Play Call Of Duty" for anyone who's asking themselves "where did we go wrong?" - it's not just America that's suffering, even if Americans seem to be expressing their suffering in the most overtly distressing ways.



Adam Fisher / fisher king (@therightstuff)

Software developer and writer of words, currently producing a graphic novel adaptation of Shakespeare's Sonnets! See http://therightstuff.bio.link for details.