This was a great read!

I do, however, want to address your point above regarding nutrition - for small, coastal communities who are starved for choice, this is fantastic news. For those of us who live a more modern, urban lifestyle and are privileged to have access to more variety, seafood sources are deeply problematic both in terms of sustainability and damage to our oceans, and in terms of our health. Most seafood, no matter the size, has become so contaminated by mercury that the harm caused to our brains - in particular developing brains - significantly outweighs any benefit from the omega-3 we might be ingesting along with it.

In short, from a health point of view it's much safer, more effective and more sustainable to go with plant sources of omega-3, such as walnuts, ground flax or chia seeds.

Regardless, excellent food for thought - thank you!



Adam Fisher / fisher king (@therightstuff)
Adam Fisher / fisher king (@therightstuff)

Written by Adam Fisher / fisher king (@therightstuff)

Software developer and writer of words, currently producing a graphic novel adaptation of Shakespeare's Sonnets! See for details.

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