
I'm perplexed by how much of an echo chamber Medium has become. While I don't think much of Trump - certainly not as a human being - the US government has for at least a century been operating as a totalitarian authority that manipulates the people to serve it instead of serving its people. We saw this relatively openly in its attacks on the civil rights movement, and during the Vietnam war, and in all the CIA's activities both on American soil and in foreign countries throughout the past decades. And we're seeing this today in the unhinged propaganda and fabricated issues coming out of both parties and the mainstream media, because as long as America is divided along two party lines there's no room to realize that you're always voting for the same government system in the background.

Trump may be a despicable person, but what he and his crew are trying to do is what he promised to do while campaigning for his first term in office - drain the swamp. Was he successful? Not at all, although he did inadvertently surface some important things along the way. Will he be successful now? Who knows... I hope for America and the western world in general that he is.

Know this, though: the Democratic party has been just as guilty of disservice to the American people and the American way of life as any Republican government, in some ways even worse so when it comes to unchecked immigration, allowing foreign propaganda into American institutions, and trying to make allies of dedicated enemies like Iran and China.

I hope we all get to look back on these next four years as a turning point in a good way. As someone who's not an American but is directly and deeply affected by American politics, I'm praying for all of us that this is the kick in the pants that the world needs to stop playing silly ideological games and start focusing on defending western civilization and moving it forward.



Adam Fisher / fisher king (@therightstuff)
Adam Fisher / fisher king (@therightstuff)

Written by Adam Fisher / fisher king (@therightstuff)

Software developer and writer of words, currently producing a graphic novel adaptation of Shakespeare's Sonnets! See http://therightstuff.bio.link for details.

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